
We got an email last week that said the dc is closing july 1 for "renovations," seemingly to make the space more attractive to the foundation's new "democracy house" programming.
Here is the public announcement of FCL's intention to close the space.
We, the showbooking collective, reject this sudden and undemocratic decision and hope you will join us in fighting it. The dc's executive leadership has ignored the community we have built here for too long. It is time for them to listen to those of us who have made this space everything that it is!
The community meetings will be held at the Democracy Center and over Zoom (hybrid) on Thursday, April 11 at 9:30am and Monday, Aprl 15 at 7pm. Sign up to attend one or both of these meetings to show your support for the space.
Please consider writing a short testimonial about what the DC means to you! Do you have a treasured memory of a show or event here? Concerns about what it would mean for the DC to close? Anything from a few sentences to 2 paragraphs would be welcome. Please email us soon with your words!!
Join our mailing list here, and we will send out emails when we have updates. (We promise not to spam you, share your email, and everything will go thru either a listserve or BCC so no annoying reply-alls) We will also post updates here and on IG.
Thank you all so much for your continued support. The Democracy Center is too important a space to be killed off without a fight!
-the showbooking collective
Announcing some spring shows soon! Stay tuned!
The Showbooking Collective Stands with Palestine.
We have recently been made aware of a zionist group that is meeting at the democracy center, the community space that hosts our shows. We, the Showbooking Collective, want to be clear in our opposition to zionism, and the genocide that is being enacted in its name against the Palestinian people. We support the movement for a free Palestine and an end to the occupation. We are proud to have hosted benefit shows for groups such as the Palestinian Youth Movement, Middle East Children's Alliance, and others. We will continue to host these benefits and provide literature and information about pro-Palestine organizing at our shows, and spread awareness through our stories both here and on our personal accounts.
Following a letter to the DC’s leadership about this situation, some groups have chosen to stop meeting here, and some are no longer comfortable tabling or having a presence in the space at this time. We understand and support this decision whole-heartedly, and are internally discussing our own next steps. We love the Democracy Center, and the community that surrounds it, and we recognize that this decision was made solely at the executive level and not supported by all staff or volunteers affiliated with the space. It is for this reason that we emphasize that this is not a call to harass the DC or its member organizations. We also cannot support any harassment of the group in question while they have a presence here. But we also will not be silent as our community members are feeling unsafe and ignored in this moment, and as bombs continue to fall on Gaza.
We, the Showbooking Collective, commit to using our presence at the DC to bring attention to and center Palestine, not only at shows but in whatever ways we can as individuals. We encourage our community to join in this fight; call your reps and demand they stop sending funds to Israel - show up at protests - canvas against Elbit and Chase with BDS - BOYCOTT, DIVEST, SANCTIONS - and talk about these issues with your loved ones.
We also want to invite anyone in our community to come to an open Zoom mtg to discuss this situation and brainstorm ways to continue to act in solidarity with Palestinians in our art/music scenes and beyond. (DATE TBA)
Ceasefire now. End the occupation. Free Palestine.
The Showbooking Collective,
es, sk, kj, ba
Due to the current high amount of community spread of COVID, we will be requiring masks remain on for artists during their performances at this Saturday's show (and of course everyone else in attendance!). We encourage everyone attending to test before or upon arrival if they can (we will have tests and masks available) and to please stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to COVID recently. Thank you for helping us to keep our community safe! We will also be utilizing additional air purifiers and some new far-UVC lights for additional protection. Check out for more info on these and other tools that are available to DIY shows around Boston.
Also just posted a show coming up Jan 20 - just confirmed - with Perennial, Ski Club, and Scrivener. Click the flyer on the right to check out the bands and more info.
Started the links page, FINALLY. Check it out.
We've just updated the layout of this site! It should work ok on mobile, but the desktop site is much better. More updates to come, soon.